Revealing Medical Negligence: A Legal Perspective on Brain Surgery, MDTs and the Montgomery Dilemma
Brain Surgery, Notes, Secrets, MDTs And Montgomery By Professor Charles H G Davis, Consultant Neurosurgeon
Brain Surgery, Notes, Secrets, MDTs And Montgomery By Professor Charles H G Davis, Consultant Neurosurgeon
The UK's Problem with Liver Disease By Dr Stephen David Ryder BMBS, MRCP, FRCP, DM, CSST
Symptoms & Late Diagnosis of Colorectal Cancer By Dr Howard J Klass, MA, FRCP Colorectal cancer (CRC)
THINK PINK! for Breast Health - Myths and Truths By Trupti Kulkarni, Consultant Radiologist It’s October- time
Colorectal Cancer Litigation By James Hill, Clinical Professor of Colorectal Surgery Litigation as a result of delay
Malignant Melanoma Litigation By Dr Ernest Allan, Honorary Consultant Clinical Oncologist Litigation as a result of delay